Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Fairly slow news day except for a scary incident at the Leonardo Motel. I'm sure things will pick up tomorrow when all the local weeklies come out.

I'll take this opportunity to point out some updates to your right. I've added some new links to the blogroll, specifically other blogs that comment on New Jersey issues and politics.

  • The Jersey Side is a blog written by John Shabe of John covers the entire state and provides a pretty robust blogroll that links to all kinds of things New Jersey - including the Muse.
  • DynamoBuzz is written by a metalhead father of three who dislikes "yuppie snobs who are always trying to impress you with their fine taste in wine, cars and vacation spots." The site is very informative and gives you a red-hued point of view on NJ politics.
  • The Bad Hair Blog is written by Fausta Wertz of Princeton. She writes about Princeton, NJ politics and does a nice round-up of what other NJ bloggers are talking about.
  • BuzzMachine is one of the most influential blogs in the country. Written by Jeff Jarvis, BuzzMachine covers media, politics, the First Amendment, and a bunch of other topics and issues. Jarvis was the person who after investigating "all the complaints" ABC received after the Nicollete Sheridan/Terrell Owens locker room promo on Monday Night Football found that the complaints were basically chain letters and only three original complaints (of 159) were received.

Hope you enjoy some of these other sites and check back in tomorrow.

1 comment:

Fausta said...

Thank you Tim!