Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Coup d’état

It's always fun to check out the blog logs to see just how people come across the AH Muse. First of all I'd like to thank Julia's restaurant for opening with such big local buzz. Google and Yahoo have been hot with searches for Julia's and the search engines have been pointing people to the Muse. I'll also say this: boat people get ready there're bennies coming, they don't have monthly books they just get onboard.

And act annoying on their cell phones. Searches for Seastreak are up, uP, UP.

And to the person who searched for "capt giggles + atlantic highlands," you can email me here.

Enough fun and games. There's some serious business to attend to folks. The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) presented some findings and proposals last Wednesday at a workshop meeting at Borough Hall. The presentation and history of the project can be downloaded here: ftp://NJDOT-AH:Atlantic@ftp.mccormicktaylor.com. Note: I had some problems downloading a few of the PDFs so you might want to save yourself the aggravation and just go to Borough Hall where they're on display.

I haven't had a chance to study the recommendations myself but apparently they must be controversial as a rebel band of current and former Harbor Commissioners (three in all I'm told) seem to be involved in a coup d’état. These Commissioners have not so secretly written the NJDOT claiming that our harbor ain't broke so don't try to fix it. This wannabe junta, comprised of the current Chairperson, a former Chairperson and a former Vice Chairperson, did not discuss the presentation (or their intent to write the NJDOT) with the balance of the Harbor Commission until after the letters had been submitted.

So what we have here is yet another example of some people on the Harbor Commission acting as if the town's harbor is their own little fiefdom. Fine. Prepare my steed, get me a dozen stout men and please procure my war paint cause I'm done gonna get all Braveheart on dem coup da dottin commission @%%&*#!%.


Ok. I feel better now. That was a combination of complete frustration with idiots and excited anticipation of an upcoming week's vacation. It's like drinking tequila at a dive bar in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Anyway...These renegades are wrong about their harbor not being broken and the Chairperson was wrong to write these letters without discussing the NJDOT presentation with the Harbor Commission first. Let's all share the harbor and let's all share in the tax benefits (among many others) that can come with stronger vision, better management and overall less wrongness. As the story continues to develop I'll continue to update you on how wrong these folks are for the harbor and our town.

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