Friday, September 02, 2005

Hovnanian proposal not right for town

The following letter was published in the Bayshore Courier on August 25, 2005. Thank you to Associate Editor Jackie Corley for providing a copy.

To The Editor:

The proposal by Hovnanian to build 42 condominium units on the Atlantic Highlands waterfront is an ill-conceived idea worthy of opposition by all officials and residents.

I am absolutely against this high-density housing proposal and will fight it in any way possible. It is my belief that under no circumstances should any developer be allowed to build any more homes on this sensitive land than the R-1 zone allows. Anything more would add considerably to area traffic and safety concerns, increase school enrollment and taxpayer costs and further burden the water and sewer systems.

As a matter of fact, I think it would be wise for the borough to look into the possibility and implications of acquiring the land for public use, taking advantage of Green Acres and other available funding. The McConnell tract is, after all, one of our last water front properties and its preservation would be a marvelous legacy to the people of our community.

But whatever use evolves, I believe Hovnanian has evidenced a lack of concern for the people of the borough by pursuing this proposal, now in the hands of the Planning Board, despite the clearly expressed views of both residents and borough officials.

More than that, they have challenged the borough's right to afford able housing certification under Mount Laurel II, an action that will cost the borough considerable taxpayers' money to contest. Therefore, let me make it clear that I oppose this proposed development and I have grave questions about whether Hovnanian has any other goal than making money, despite the impact on the shore and its residents.

Peter E. Donoghue
Mayor, Atlantic Highlands

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