Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Support Peter Richardson

I recently read the minutes from the Atlantic Highlands Recreation Committee’s January 8, 2008 meeting and saw that the committee will be putting together a formal job description and review for the Director and Assistant Director positions for the summer recreation program. I support the current Director, Peter Richardson. Our daughter has enjoyed the Atlantic Highland's summer rec program for the past two years. During this time she not only got to spend time and play with her friends but was also introduced to new games, sports, children and activities that she otherwise would not have been exposed to.

After recently talking to other parents in town about the program we discovered that much of what the program is today is due to Peter's efforts. We hope his leadership and accomplishments are recognized by the committee and that Peter is the person to direct this important program. My wife and I both look back fondly on our summers spent at summer camp and having gotten to know Peter over the past two years through summer rec, youth hockey and his employment at the local dining establishment, Bella's, we are confident that our daughter is being given the opportunity to create these same wonderful memories.

There's a Recreation Committee meeting tomorrow (Valentine's Day) at 8:00 pm. If you support Peter but can't make the meeting due to, uh, other committments, please email the Borough Administrator and show your support.

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